WorldTech IT’s Cloud.Red “Essential” is the perfect solution for F5 customers who only consume a small portion of the BIG-IP suite, but still depend on F5 to power their production applications.
Cloud.Red “Essentials” covers your limited F5 BIG-IP deployment for:
- Cloud.Red monitoring and alerting for system level alarms – Our Purpose-built monitoring and alerting platform allows us to take immediate action on the most critical events and helps us catch F5 problems before they become downtime.
- Partner with customer when communicating with F5 Support for system-level bugs and RMAs – F5 Ticket assistance for critical events related to bugs and devices that require replacement via a Return Material Authorization (RMA).
- Nightly / Weekly / Monthly Backups to a local or secure cloud location – Backups are included in our custom monitoring and alerting platform, including the ability to “diff” configurations.
- Certificate Expiration Notifications – receive email notifications at set intervals when certificates are approaching the expiration date.
- Extended Syslog support – F5 devices store syslog data on box for about 10 days, our platform includes 30 days of syslog retention, which is customer searchable. Customers can extend that time frame/storage for an additional fee (multi-year support).
- Up to 3 Upgrades a year and Emergency Hot Fixes – Includes up to 1 major release upgrade and 2 standard hotfixes, as well as any critical hotfix F5 releases to mitigate vulnerabilities with a CVSS score of 10.
- Changelog Summary Audit Report – If enabled, view change log audit reports that summarize any changes that were completed on the devices under support.
- 10 hours of scheduled Professional Services for the year (consumed in 1hr increments) – Hours can be utilized in 1hr increments and must be scheduled with a 7-day notice. The time can be used for help with anything F5 related, including certificate updates, iRules, new deployments, etc. – excluding any training. Ability to purchase additional 10hr blocks at the discounted rate.